My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Photographer. Writer. 45yo Indo-Fijian Australian. Glam Feminist. Coconuts.

Friday, May 21, 2010


[l'etat - French word for 'the state'.  Pronounced "laytah"]

Your physical presence in this world is a state of mind...
My state of mind is permanently set to go get 'em.  When it comes to achieving my goals, I am a predator. 
Plus I needed a title for my cattitude look...tis purrfect non? The title, not just the look. J

© theDUSKzone 2010© theDUSKzone 2010
© theDUSKzone 2010© theDUSKzone 2010

[the title: Say this as you would "predator".  Without the negative connotation.]
slinky black dress * leopard print leggings, which believe it or not are a bit too loud for me so I wear them in subtle ways * vintage velvet & brocade look hooded crop jacket * my favourite gold studded platforms, shoes that are perfect for traipsing through the jungle or countryside just ask Fashion Butter * various bits of jewelry, multi-strand necklace worn across the body and fastened with a purrfect brooch (click the 3rd pic for close-up)


garakami said...

*Does the hand clawing motion*

RAWR. xD LMAOOO! If I didn't know better I would think that you're just a couple of years older than me.
Lots of style ma'am. And don't tell me calling you ma'am makes you feel old either!

I love the shots. I read the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton (not sure if you know about her), but she writes about some "pred'etat" stuff. Really, she's my favorite author, so I'm just promoting her, but for good cause, of course. Either way, these shots remind me of one of the characters in the book, or maybe even from a scene.

Carly J. Cais said...

Me-OW! Fierce and gorge, as ALWAYS! You slay them - especially in that multi-strand necklace you're wearing! (Is that the one you found as an alternate to the one you were interested in from me? If it is, I think I like yours better!)


Spardha Malik said...

Yup, the title of the post is perfect! I really love your eyebrows.. they are so insanely arched! Lucky you :)

garakami said...

But I love reading essays! That means that someone has something worthwhile to say, and worthwhile of my ears, well eyes in this case, so I'm going to sit, think, mull, and then continue a fantastic conversation.

And I refuse to say that they thrift. They have absolutely no idea what "thrifting" is, at least not in my terms. To them vintage means buying real leather and $1000 jeans that's been distressed for years, handmade, to the point of no return. Thrifting for me is finding something wearable that costs far less than if I were to buy it at retail price. See, major difference. I could be assuming wrong, but I suppose that's what you think too. I grew up with a mom that doesn't have much, barely makes ends meet, so coupons and discount is my middle name. I was raised to spend wisely.

And you're absolutely right about the abundance. I do believe that if you have it, flaunt it, but I mean, you don't have to go overboard with it. I could be reading into too much, considering I don't really know Jane, but I think blogging and all this spotlight she's getting is giving her more of a reason to splurge, and to me that just seems vain. In fact, the whole blog seems vain. I like seeing some of her photos though, and the more artsy side of her, but the expenses are clearly infinitive and people keep chugging it down, labeling it cool.

Shit, I'm writing an essay now !

Garakami is one of my brother's names. I love it so much that I use it. It's Japanese inspired yes; my mom is kinda nuts. My siblings have awkward names. :P I'm surprised she didn't call me "SunnySky," or "DanceInRain" except, my dad gave me my name! Thank God.

And thank you! It means so much to me. Shh, don't tell anyone, but I take my pics the same way, except I have a high-speed Casio Exilim!

Vintage Obsession said...

You look like a tigress crawling her way :) i love it soooooooo fierce and the leggings are the best animal printed ones i have seen in a long time :) absolutely arghhhhh :)

garakami said...

You will reply when you get back home! It's after 3 in the morning over here and I should actually be sleeping. Oh well. I have you have a nice time! :)

Blah indulgences, smulgences. Are you really going to believe that nonsense? I firmly stick to the idea that SoS's finally doesn't give a fart. If they can rearrange furniture, out with the old in with the new style, every other month, how could that be an indulgence?

God, I haven't been to Aussie, so I don't know whether the US dollar is worth more or less, but that's pretty damn good. Those shoes I had in the "ghosts" post, were 20 bucks on sale at ShoeMania. It was a HUGE sale, they were clearing everything out. I sat in the store thinking about getting those Calvin Kleins or the Doc Martens. All of which were $20 mind you. I settled on the Kleins, but now I curse not having had $40, cause those Doc are looking like hotcakes, which I haven't seen on anyone's feet yet.

Money definitely does not buy style, but what it does do is make you seem fashionable in other people's eyes. It's time for that nonsense to cut out. People need to be realistic. There is lower, middle, and upper class. Where you fall is not necessarily where you belong, but you have to work with what you've got. Speaking from family experience, living in the ghetto and buying a car that costs more than a single family home, when you can't pay the rent is just STUPID! But people do it, just to say they've got it.

Don't feel bad about spending the money. Everyone deserves a treat every once in a while. And it's especially nice when you can do it all the time, or at least when you can. That's why I'm busting my ass in school. I want the life my mother couldn't give me. I want my own dream, I want nice things too, cause I deserve it.

Don't get me started on those things. It makes me want to cry. And those 3rd world countries are so humble, and sometimes naive that it's heart-wrenching. Well, rich people are from another planet than un mere folks. They think on a level we will never comprehend.

I was watching Oprah's interview with the Smith family, (Will and Jada) and they were talking about how they were trying to raise their kids on proper morals about spending money. I believe a book they were reading is called Rich Man, Poor Man. I mean, those are the kind of people I look up to, and they're doing a great job with their kids. Speaking of them, I can't wait to see the Karate Kid! It's sure to be a good family film.

Leia said...

meoww... sexy! i LOVE the leopard print leggings :D

Killer Drama said...

predator is correct! apt for the pictures here

fritha louise said...

Very catlike, I love your attitude! And that jacket!

L1L2 said...

u r so flexible... and not just the stretching, but your each post takes the readers to a different world that they've not expected to go or never been before perhaps! its so much fun going through your posts. thanks for allowing that access...

Leah said...

Loving the cattitude... did I tell you that you have such gorgeous cat-like eyes? And the thing that you did with those necklaces is very ingenious... you are so creative. And I really love that jacket.

Thanks for introducing me to that word. Have a great weekend Catwoman! xoxo

Anonymous said...

hi!!! Really beautifull outfit :-) i like it so so so much and also the place!!!

Hippie Holly said...

This post should have been called crouching tiger hidden dragon :)) Love the leopard print leggings and all the elements of your outfit. Love the pics!

Tanvi said...

I am running out of adjectives to express myself! Love the leggings and love the inter twined jewelry :) Love it!!!

Emilie Delance said...

You look stunning! Love the leo leggings and fab poses :D miauw

Vinda Sonata said...

you're such an attractive woman yourself. you always make great poses. you look hot here. i love how 'earthy' these pics are. great leggings too, dear. you look stunning!

agnes said...

très jolies photos

Rachel said...

FIERCE *snap

My favorite picture is the 5th, where you are relaxing in the tree. Effortlessly gorgeous + LOVE those shoes!!

xx rk

michelle_ said...

check those leopard leggings out !
you look hottt !

many thanks for your warm comments :)
hope you're enjoying the weekend !

like my colored tights on my latest post ? now is your chance to win a pair of the tights in your choice of color !
click here for more details !

GFS said...

You are absolutely beautiful!

FrouFrouu said...

Dude, YOUR cheekbones are something else!

That jacket is gorgeous, the print makes me super happy.

Oh to Be a Muse said...

cattitude! i love it. and i think the jewelry you have on is perfect. where do you take your photos? i need a place like this in my city.

Vix said...

Grrrrr! You'd sure give Eartha Kitt a run for her money!
I adore those leopard print footless tights, and your poses...I'm lost for words in admiration, you beautiful thing, you.

Mina said...

wow these pics are done in such an editorial fashion. u are so photogenic. the third to last pic is my favorite. u look like an glamazonian.

Mindey said...

Great photos, you look amazing :)

Sher said...

Do you ever look less than amazing? Ever? In your own words, PURR-fect:)


style said...

you looks great , nice outfit grea photography looks amazing

Romany said...

Fierce! Effing love your leopard print tights with those platforms.
and re: Kelly Brook, I am 100% in agreement. I considered saying "I would turn gay for Kelly Brook" in the post itself, but I thought it might be best not to go there. Haha!

bollywoodstylediaries said...

OMG!! love this post.. I am a predator too when it comes to achieving my goals - who else will look out for me!! love the first pic:-) are those belts that u have worn as necklaces??

Anonymous said...

fascinating post. and i love your self portraits. beautiful work. its very -'RaaWRR'

Greener Bangalore said...

amazing shots! and you look no where closer to the age what you mentioned in your profile..loving this last crawling snap...... ;)

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh hello, predatoress, you look AMAZING. And I do love these leopard leggings! You wear them perfectly.
When it comes to achieving my goals I'm pretty hopeless. I think my only saving grace is a certain stubborness.

TheStreetFashion5xpro said...

love the leopard print...the first pict is amazing

Anonymous said...

Stunning darling:)

T said...

oh my gosh, thank you for the shout!!! I love this look - those leggings are hot and I am loving how you are working them.

Jesa said...

You are deliciously fearless! Adore you and love those bracelets!

Cheers, Jesa

Gorgeous Glam said...

Hello dearest!
Love the accessories! What a electric photo shoot! I love that you don't just stand in front of a mirror and take pictures of your outfits, but actually put a lot of creativity into it, which makes it art.
Hope you have a blessed week. xoxo

Anonymous said...

You're one hot creative fashion guru! Your photos are brilliant and it always matches the ideas you have, you're very talented my dear! More to come please! :)

Noble Beeyotch said...

OMG! you are rocking this outfit! Fierce, as Tyra Banks would have called it!


The Sydney Girl said...

reooowww! absolutely sexy!love those leggings! x

Fab Five said...

Wow these photos look like an editorial straight out of a magazine! You have stunning facial features...I would kill for cheek bones like yours! lol

garakami said...

:o) Catwalking stick with a vagina! *giggle* And I absolutely agree. Everyone's body needs a certain amount of fat. It also needs its daily protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbs. Slacking on any one of those can only cause a disruption in the body's homeostasis.

And I agree with the sugar too! The way the industry utilizes fructose is the exact opposite of how we need to consume it. These false fruit juices and candies are nearly indigestible because of its sugar content. And I don't even want to hear about sweeteners, like aspartame and diet drinks.

I don't use Celtic Sea Salt, I just use the regular iodized salt, and on occasion, the coarse kosher sea salt. The bigger crystals helps the eye to measure less, than the finely ground salts.

And thank you! I think you're beautiful, and feisty too! It's a real compliment coming from someone as gorgeous as you :) But I'm a firm believer that beauty is only skin deep, thoughts and creativity make up the rest.

I V Y said...

gorgeous tights!

Kelly said...

Gosh!!! You look soooo hot!!!!
Great pics!!! Lone them all!!!

Deepika said...

ur accessories are fab!! n so r ur shoes..!! looking absolutely fantastic!!

DailyDoseOfAloha said...

purrrrrrr. me likes! Those shoes make me jealous and your photographs make me want to fly down to OZ and shoot you myself!! gorgeous the way the light hits your face... yeah, girrrrrrrl!!!! i love it.

Anonymous said...

the leopard print leggings are so money...



Dusk said...

Thank you for -as always- all your generous comments darlings!

Apologies if I haven't visited your blog yet, I will get there!

@ Garakami - you are just SO fabulous! As for the excess thing, no I have no guilt issues as such, it's about balance and it is up to those who can afford to be excessive to create the balance. I cannot justify excess, no matter how worth it I am. Material things do not prove my/our worth.

@ Taj - thank you hon. I appreciate that you [all] appreciate it. It's not an effort, it's fun and satisfies my inner Wintour!! As in the putting it all together part not the "nuclear" part!

@ Sonali - we're alike in a lot of ways hon!

@ Greener Bangalore - thank you! I like many other women I know, online, onland, wear my age with attitude!

Thank you again darlings!