My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Photographer. Writer. 45yo Indo-Fijian Australian. Glam Feminist. Coconuts.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What Makes Me Beautiful...

...depends entirely on what your idea of beauty is.  But I'll write and discuss that particular aspect later.  For now, let's focus on the fact that the delicious, vivacious, delightful Ann from Annimal House awarded me a beautiful award! 
A Top 10 Award for being "stylish and inspiring"...which Ann very much is... she radiates a loveliness that can be felt through a I'm chuffed -CHUFFED!


I have to share my Top 10 beauty products and nominate other bloggers.  I don't actually use a lot of products.  I believe that the more you pull and push your skin the less 'elastic' it will be.  I also don't believe in expensive products.  I used to have a business, making skin care products, creams and lotions and soaps, etc.  I studied Cosmetic Chemistry.  I know what the fundamental ingredients are and how they react and there isn't much difference between eg. a $10 cream and a $100 one.  Apart from the marketing.  And brand name.

So, here are my Top 10 'products';
- virgin coconut oil (I drink this, apply to face and body and hair)
- rosehip oil (face and neck, in winter)
- turmeric paste mask once a week
- SPF15 cream (an illuminating one... I don't wear foundation nor concealer)
- an illuminating mineral face powder
- lip balm
- water, nettle tea, rooibos tea, lemon juice in warm water aka, lots of liquids
- cold water showers, without fail, regardless of how cold it is.
- I wash my hair once every 10 days.  (Don't screw up your nose.  My scalp has regulated itself and my hair doesn't get oily nor dirty.  My hair is thick and conditioned.  Oh and I use mild shampoo after washing first with apple cider vinegar.  The more you wash your hair the more you strip your scalp of its essential oils, the faster it gets oily and the cycle goes on.  I only use Morroccan Oil now but before that, I would apply moisturiser to the ends)
- vitamin supplements (essential because our soil does not provide enough nourishment for our vegetables and fruit.  I take specific 'brain food' and )
- genetics (sorry but this is true...)
- love

Most important product... is a by product of loving yourself... acceptance.

This isn't that informative as it's very late and I'm tired so i'm rushing!... so I will be writing my next few posts in detail.  And instead of nominating 10 bloggers (sorry!), I'm leaving this open to all... I would love to know your products...


Tanvi said...

You and me are more alike than we know ... exceot for the washing hair part ( I wash them daily as I have super oily scalp) ... I have the SAME regime. I do the EXACT same thing. And I have accepted my flaws/big pores/and uneven complexion! :) There is only so much we can do ... and I do my best!

The last pictures is UNBELIEVABLY amazing ... you look so pretty and with some peaceful thoughts probably!!! Love the this bright pink with green!

♡ from ©

mispapelicos said...

I have just discovered nettle tea, and it is so wonderful.
I adore you and your last pic...
I am sure you were thinking something magical.
Love you in pink. Well love you.

mispapelicos said...

I have just discovered nettle tea, and it is so wonderful.
I adore you and your last pic...
I am sure you were thinking something magical.
Love you in pink. Well love you.

Leia said...

So good to know your beauty secrets! I don't use $100 products, but I do use make-up... not on a daily basis, but quite often. I think my #1 beauty product is getting enough sleep and eating lots of vegetables and fruit... I always look better when my insides are happy! I used to wash my hair once a week - for over 2 years - but my scalp never regulated. I was told that younger people just have oilier scalps and there's nothing they can do about it, so now I wash it 3x/week.

My top 10 beauty products:
- almond oil (used on my face every morning)
- shea butter (used on my face at night, when I remember)
- Carmex lip balm (it's the only one that actually heals my lips rather than dry them out further)
- olive oil (as a hair conditioner once every few months)

My other top 10s are not so natural.
- concealer (for under eye circles)
- blush (because I just don't look awake without it)
- eyeliner (just because)

That's only 7 but those are my only real 'essentials'!


Veshoevius said...

You are such a stunner! And you look wonderful in pink. I don't wash my hair everyday either - I would ruin my hair if I did!

Vix said...

You are beautiful and even more so it pink, it makes you look positively radiant.
I'm with you on the not washing the hair very often, I hate the way clean hair feels on my scalp.

Anonymous said...

The last picture of you is PERFECT! I LOVE IT!

I want to do this! Maybe I will do it in vlog form.

I don't think I could not wash my hair for 10 days. I know you have to do the whole first week of grungy thing...but once I hit day three my hair is all stringy, greasy and gross.

The Sydney Girl said...

ADORE those pink shades. Totally suits your/our skin colour. Lovin the hand knitted throw over. Gorgeous!

doradadama said...

I love our beauty tips, so natural.
I also not wash my hair too much.
you look hermosa in pink. cant believe you dont wear concealer, you look so young and beautiful amor.I wish I could not wear concealer.

Shruti said...

'virgin coconut oil' is something I din know.. thanks for the tips hun. I think the main ingredient of your beauty comes from within and that comes with 'acceptance'. You are so good with words Dusk.. so appropriate!

I love your close up pic. You look amazing and your skin is glowing.

Anonymous said...

Very bohemian. Maybe we can follow each other?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know more about the tumeric face mask.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

I love your natural approach. I need to take a leaf out of your book.

I only wash my hair once a week. I couldn't be bothered to do it any more often.

I've found your shops and there's loads I like. I shall be back! xx