My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Photographer. Writer. 45yo Indo-Fijian Australian. Glam Feminist. Coconuts.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Frill Me...

Saw the Paco Pena Flamenco Dance Company tonight. 'Flamenco Sin Fronteras'.  Sigh.  Thrill me...

[TBC.. apologies, it's very late, I'm sleeptyping, will have a 'proper' post up when I'm awake... photos are easy, I'll let them say the thousand words for now...and yes of course I would dress thematically... hello?  I am me... also, blogging pals, my sincere apologies, my time management skills -ha!- have sunk to new depths...]



Anupriya DG said...

Gorgeous lace top......gorgeous ruffles on that skirt......gorgeous jewels on you......gorgeous flower in the hair......gorgeous smile on those gorgeous pink lips - mwah for a GORGEOUS you!!! <3

Meher said...

I absolutely love the lace top, its gorgeous. And the frill of the skirt, is of course, epic.

Leia said...

I don't think there's much I can say other than WOW! The lace and the frills and the pink and the flower and the jewelry... it's all STUNNING!


Tanvi said...

It is such a delight to see you laugh ... and lace looks wonderful on you! :)

Also in love with your statement ring. It is very pretty!!!

♡ from ©

kiran sawhney said...

Just dropping by to let you know that I read and completely enjoy each one of your posts.
Just that, I am little tied up with work and am unable to comment.
It is a delight to see your pictures and read your posts.

But do remember, I am visiting your blog always even if I do not leave a comment.

Lots of love.

kiran sawhney said...

Just dropping by to let you know that I read and completely enjoy each one of your posts.
Just that, I am little tied up with work and am unable to comment.
It is a delight to see your pictures and read your posts.

But do remember, I am visiting your blog always even if I do not leave a comment.

Lots of love.

doradadama said...

What a lovely green skirt, wihs my skirt could float in the air. you flamenco graceful beauty.
I am behind on blogging my link is working now I'm having probs with my post showing up.
have a great dia!