My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Photographer. Writer. 45yo Indo-Fijian Australian. Glam Feminist. Coconuts.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I kind of forgot I had a blog. eek. And of course I will be visiting all your wonderful blogs as soon as possible my lovely blogger pals!

I've done a lot since my last post and of course I was dressed everyday! Just forgot to take pics.  So... two fun things I did was review and photograph The Ruby Revue on Sunday 14th (left) and photograph (by media invitation) Jurassic Lounge (right).
...I keep wanting to coincide wearing this awesome 'Guitar Solo' t-shirt with some profound post but it never happens!

left - vintage satin skirt * lace dress... yes dress... and it's lace all the way so no... won't be wearing any time, um, ever, as a dress. * headpiece made by me
right - knit 'curtain' skirt found at markets * awesome 'Guitar Solo' t-shirt (with black top underneath because it was cold and I don't sacrifice comfort for fashion * vintage belt


doradadama said...

I love your lace blouse and red skirt combo, so elegant. Your always a princessa. stunning gold jewelry.
amazing solo top, is that a flamenco top?

Unknown said...

I've to admit Black and Red are so my colors :)...I love them and no doubt you look "Gorgeous"

Vix said...

Well I haven't forgotten you, dear Dusk! I adore that red skirt with that kick ass lace top and that hair, just divine! x

Leia said...

That headgear... I NEED it in my life! And my goodness that sexy lace top is just divine and I can't get ENOUGH of maxis! The hair/headband are both very Princess Leia-ish!


Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Please tell me you're a real-life princess. You are so regal and elegant in everything you wear. Burlesque beauty to rocker chic, it's all beautiful magic. What an amazing lace dress and the headpiece!!! ***sigh*** xoxoxoxoxo

Veshoevius said...

Very sexy! I do think black lace and a black bra can be made to work without looking trashy and here you've gone and shown how.