My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Photographer. Writer. 45yo Indo-Fijian Australian. Glam Feminist. Coconuts.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Yayy! Spring has sprung! 

...thought I'd live dangerously and do a location shoot.  Just as a (welcome?) change to the usual 'me against white background'  pics I do.  A reader did suggest that these are getting boring and, although I'm not one for pleasing the minority (because really, I please myself) an aesthetic change is always a good thing. 
Naturally some things will never change... what's a 'Dusk pose' without something flying in the air??  Arms, hair, skirts, pigs (what? never mind...).

So I planned to do this after Flamenco class (hence why I had my tripod and camera) and I actually found some spare time! 
Yes even spontaneity has to be planned these days. 


The reason I do white-wall shots is because they're easy for me, I have a little studio space in our spare room with my tripod already set-up and I just step in to it and self-click away. 

When I'm out and about, I don't want to waste the now time, the 'being in the present' by taking images of myself within the environment instead of being with the environment... having said that, if it's a good location then fo' sho I'm going to be Vogue-ing it all over the place.

But otherwise, white-wall posing is just convenient.  Particularly after work when it's late and dark.  And you also don't have to contend with hecklers.  (my family and friends don't heckle, my posing is part of their scenery now!)

As I was posing, a group of older teenagers walked past.  Now I had already seen them coming so I stopped posing and started taking images because although I'm not shy, I really didn't want to deal with the usual bullshit. If you're a personal style blogger, you know what I'm talking about.

Anyway... as they walked past, a few whistled and one said "sexy!" and then a girl said "YUCK!!".
Hmm... I don't think I'm sexy either* but surely "YUCK!!" is a bit extreme?

I didn't take it personally because we all have different ideas of what is sexy and beautiful but it did make me think about why she felt the need to say that.  And really, it was all about her.

*this is NOT a fishing expedition.  I'm not looking for words to the contrary so please don't give them to me.  I am what I am and I'm not sexy.  I know this.  I'm dramatic.  My sensuality is a private aspect of me.  Which is ironic considering that I am one of the most liberated thinkers I know in regards to sex and sexuality and most importantly, sensuality.  But that's a post for another day...

Addendum Fri 2nd: my husband and friends are annoyed by what I wrote.  They're actually rather insulted.  So... okay... I don't think I'm sexy.  They think I am.  Each to their own.



Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Yep, that was all about the girl and nothing to do with you. Comments like that make me sad, because the person who would say something like that is obviously not at all happy.

I'm with you on the indoor photos. i know they look better outside, but I can't be bothered to go outside just to take pictures of myself. x

Tanvi said...

Oh! I totally agree. People's thoughts and opinion reflect MORE upon them than the person they are directed towards!

And I know you do not want me to tell you otherwise but you DO LOOK SEXY to me ... Must be my taste then ... hehe ... Love that flying pose ... I have to see it in action whenever I visit you ... that's the only thing I will 'request' for!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

♡ from ©

Leia said...

I really love the out and about location shoots! Although I never do them so I totally understand why you prefer the white wall...

As for the comment, yuck??? What about you could she possibly be thinking is 'yuck'? Maybe 'yuck' because the boy she fancied thought you were sexy (I think you are, too!).


doradadama said...

I think your very sexlicious , you ooze elegancia. I luv you!
I think that biatch was jealous that her guy thought you were sexy.I love the swan shot, I am a lover of outside scenery fotos. I like to blend into the scene. yes, when I took fotos at the sea side some teengage girls were snickering and I felt shy. I did give them the evil eye before I left.

Johanna L. said...

Amazing photos! That outfit looks stunning on you :) You have a great sense of style!

Shruti said...

Oh Honey! You are super sensuous. I loved the pics and the place looks EXOTIC.
I am glad that negative comments don't bother you. Because most of the times people say those out of jealousy which you give them many reasons to be. I have spoken about you and this blog to many of my friends and they are all in awe of you... especially the boys (oops) and the girls want to look this good when they are your age. I love you more for the human being you are. Just shake it off ;)

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Your family is so protective of you coz they lurve you so much - it's sweet. The "yuck" was pure rage - nothing to do with you. I've had it happen to me too and now I just smile and wave ... one I'll probably get bashed for it, but it works for me:))) Love you hon xoxoxo

Veshoevius said...

Miss Yuck was probably a very sour, jealous and insecure cow. Sorry - can't stand people that think they have some kind of right to insult other people in public to make themselves feel better about themselves.

I too prefer the privacy of a white wall shot at home as I'm too shy to run around posing in public. And I also do my blog for fun so I'm not for running around like a headless chicken to try and please the general public with location shoots - nor do I have the time usually. But I love it when other people do them! They look great.

And as for this shot - OLE!

mispapelicos said...

You look so beautiful in your flamenco pose. Even the swans came to see you.
Your blog does not pop when you post, so I thought you had a break. I came to see when was your last post and I find that it was only a few days ago, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Can you check, I will too.
Much love my dear, dear friend.