My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Photographer. Writer. 45yo Indo-Fijian Australian. Glam Feminist. Coconuts.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Fifties Fair 2011 (Rose Seidler House, Sydney)

Despite the forecast calling for rain and in spite of a week of constant precipitation... fair weather reigned J for the Fifties Fair and thank heavens for that!  Because it's not everyday you turn sweet sixteen and you don't want rain to dampen your parade... of swell frocks and bobby socks!

Held in the grounds of Rose Seidler House in Wahroonga, NSW, the Fifties Fair is Australia's biggest celebration of all things fabulously fifties.  Except thank goodness, attitudes.  As I have said before, it's fantastic to dress like a fifties female when you never have to be one.  In its 16th year and the thrill of vintage fun will never get old!
I was there photographing but if you could please allow me to blow my own trumpet just once (okay. again.)... I was photographed nonstop all day!  The shooter got shot!  I thought I was dressed very plainly because I was in camninja/work mode but... I don't know, apparently I was 'photograph-able'... of course I didn't mind at all.  Shy I aint sugah.

This 'skirt' is actually this dress, worn with a crinoline underneath and a sweater
This is what I wore and what I wrote, last year.

More pics after the jump!
My most beautiful and awesomely talented friend Meagan.  The producer/presenter of 'Armchair Traveller'.  I am Meagan's camninja.

It was a most awesome day with lots to see and, although not so much "do", a lot be a part of...
I do have some gripes, holding it in such open grounds leaves no room for a Plan B: In Case of Rain. 
And the entry fee of AUD25.00 may just be a bit too much in these economic conditions and AUD70 for a family...hmmm...
Most affected by the entry fees were the vintage retailers who all reported a major drop in sales. 
But oh well...times are always hard and then... they swing back up again...

Represent.  Click each image to take you through to the sites.  And if you're on Facebook, go 'Like' one or BOTH!  Full album coming soon.


doradadama said...

You look so nice like sugar and spice. Your outfit is so adorable, love these kinds of fairs, looks like you had a blast.
your sunnies are so cool.
I must have your cotton candy skirt!

Leia said...

I am SPEECHLESS! Those cat-eye glasses... the poofy skirt... the waist-cinching belt... oh I love it ALL! I'm totally not surprised that you were being photographed all day! And your friend Meagan is totally fabulous too. Look at her HAIR! Wowee.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful skirt--how many layers on the crinoline?

Veshoevius said...

Oh you look wonderful! This is a very different, playful look for you and looks like you had lots of fun. Gorgeous skirt!

citizen rosebud said...

I like how you rock the 50's look, and what a wonderful place so full of guys and gals in their finery!
the Citizen Rosebud