My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Photographer. Writer. 45yo Indo-Fijian Australian. Glam Feminist. Coconuts.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Farce is Strong... this one... sigh... No. That isn't a typo in the title. Yes. I am an idiot.  I was 7 when the first film came out.  They had me at "A long time ago...".  Twas 1977.

[Disclaimer: Just because I happily tell all and sundry my age does not mean I have ever laid claim to being mature.]

Anyway... my daughter bought that Yoda ring for me.  I have a lot of 'Star Wars' merchandise, hoodies, t-shirts, badges, bags, caps, bras, lightsabers...  I also have a Leia costume.  No.  Not that one.  The other one
I wore it to a costume party back when I had no shame nor jiggly bits.   Mine had a matching thigh holster for my lightsaber, us nerds are allowed our modifications.  By the way, only twerps refer to it as Leia's slave costume.  Let's not forget Jabba's fate.  It's called Leia's Metal Bikini.
...there is no way in hell I would ever wear that costume again  unless I wore it with a blue body stocking and channeled Aayla Secura (Twi'lek Jedi Master).

© theDUSKzone Jedi HQ 2010

The 2nd [prequel] trilogy?   I don't want to talk about it... other than to say, blink and you'll miss me in the nightclub scene [Obi Wan and Anakin chase Zam Wessell, Amidala's would-be assasin] in 'Attack of The Clones'. 
I was a glorified extra, for that scene we got 'handpicked'.  People who know me can see me... don't really care... what's more important is that I got to meet Anthony Daniels and...George Lucas!!!!  I was standing next to his daughter who was a Twi'lek in that scene!!   You must understand!  This was... a big deal. 

Even if he did also write the 2 trilogy.    


Tanvi said...

I have to saw I have no clue whatyou are talking about coz I am not a Star Wars fan ... but I do know Leia costume and if you wore that you are a rockstar! Well you already were a rockstar, now you are a SUPER ROCKSTAR! :)

Amanda said...

Your pants! Wow! And you got to meet George Lucas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHH!!!

Btw, I don't know if I ever replied your question about The Shoes Collection. I apologise if I have not and took this long. It's actually a Malaysian blogshop that sells shoes imported from Korea. xx

jemina said...

THAT RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

Vix said...

I've never seen Star Wars so I'm afraid you've lost me but I'm hugely impressed that you were an extra and Jon definately would be.
The ring is just crazy! xxx

Leia said...

Dusk... you were IN STAR WARS?? Are you SERIOUS? Wowwwww! Wow, wow, wow!!

I'm quite embarrassed of the fact that I never got into Star Wars, even though I'm named after Princess Leia. I think I've only seen one episode (Episode I, I think) and I didn't care for it much! Everyone says I should watch Eps 3-5 in order to enjoy the REAL Star Wars so maybe I'll do that one day :)


Chicago Chic said...

Your beauty is mesmerising, your eyes...enchanting! I have missed you and your gorgeous self. I am back from a trip to Seattle, hope you had a spectacular weekend!


bollywoodstylediaries said...

I am a big Star War fan and I cant believe u met George Lucas!! and u were in IT!!!!!!! Have to go back and see it:-) love ur ring..should buy it for my daughter who is another Star wars freak..Havent showed her the new trilogy..the old ones are always playing in a loop in my house!!

Marta said...

aaaawesome ring!

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Wow! Your baby gifted it to you? How cute is that!! And snazzy! :) You look straight out of a sci-fi! Superhero!! :)

Kahani said...

hahah woman your sense of humour is amazing. I'm more a trekkie than Star Wars gal, but I adore the fan base. You must make those poor boys faint when you walk past. I hate to think what would happen to them if you still took your Iron Bra costume out for an airing... death by nosebleed?

Spardha Malik said...

Wowie... u do know how to have fun on a boring day! keep it coming, hottie!

Anonymous said...

Oh love love love the red pants

StuddedLilly said...

long time! sorry haven't been checking your posts, but im back! and how awesome is that look! love the ring, how cute of your daughter!

Zabrinah said...

Great photos!

Wow! This is amazing!

Best wishes from one blogger to another,


Vibhuti said...

THose RED HOT pants and that belt look so snazzy. This is the second Sci-Fi post I am liking very much..
Before visiting ur blog I'd never imagined that a Sci-Fi theme is actually wearable and that one could actually look as hot as ur looking sporting that!!!
You are lookin absolutely stunning weilding that light saber..hehehe..I had a glowing saber as a kid.. Regret not preserving that for this day! :D

Vibhuti said...

And heyyy I thnk ill have to revisit Star Wars to see you in that shot!..I want to..:))

SabinePsynopsis said...

I'm a huge star wars fan, too, Dusk (especially of the first ones... must be our age & immaturity). Can you believe that I now FINALLY managed to thank you for the award you gave me AGES ago. Thank you again, darling! xoxo

michelle_ said...

i never watched star wars :/
i like ur red pants though !

Gorgeous Glam said...

Hi doll, I'm back and I've missed you! I love that ring! Yoda is the best ever!! I went on the Star Wars ride in Disney world last week and loved it even though it's old as hell! xoxo

Fourth Daughter said...

Oh, just saw Sabine's comment.. I still haven't responded to the award you gave me!! Oops! But I will do it eventually... meanwhile, WOW, you were an extra in Star Wars!?? I'm not a fan at all but I know what a MASSIVE deal that is - I set up two of my friends who love SW and when they got married they entered the reception with the SW theme playing! And your post about you being a model explains soooooo much... actually you look really familiar now, did you model internationally? I'm wondering how many of the magazines I was addicted to as a teenager that I saw you in!

Keith said...

I love Star Wars. I'm a bigger Star Trek fan, but I do love SW. These are really cool pics. May the Force be with you.

Vinda Sonata said...

you look hot, fit, and charming as always! love that ring... and the hoodie jacket. very cool!! xx

Anonymous said...

May the force be with you! <3<3<3

daisybabie said...

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!(too tweenish?)
this post has me hyperventilating(all in a good way!)

- STAR WARS!!! *swoooooon*
- you said JIGGLY BITS! (i refer to mine as wobbly bits, but you don't look like you have any of the above. u my dear look fit as a fiddle!)
- the Yoda armor ring is fierce!
- you were in Attack of The Clones!!

oh boy, i need to step away before i burst a blood vessel in my brain.
(pssttt...maturity is way overrated)

Rachel said...

The pictures are hot!! Love it all! And your disclaimer, hilarious.

xx rk

Oh to Be a Muse said...

all i have to say is: i want your yoda ring!